Anti-discrimination officers

The Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts stands for a place of work and study characterized by respect and tolerance, where friendly, appreciative and respectful interaction is cultivated.

Nevertheless, situations can arise in the university context that are unsettling, irritating, disadvantageous or frightening. As advisors at the HfMDK, we are here to support you in these situations.

Das Antidiskriminierungshandbuch der HfMDK steht auf einer Holzbank im Foyer der Hochschule.
(Foto: HfMDK)


Studying and working without fear, without ambiguous proximity, without offensive, assaultive language and physicality. This should be the norm, but unfortunately it is not always the case. That's why an informative handbook for our everyday university life has been available since the winter semester 2022/23.

Begegnung. Nähe. Grenzen. Ein Handbuch für den Hochschulalltag.

PDF-Version des Handbuchs zum Herunterladen (Oktober 2022)

Contact us

Contact us

Talk to us. We listen!

... If you experience or observe discriminatory behavior.

Verbal or non-verbal disparagement because of

  • skin color or ethnic origin
  • social origin
  • gender
  • religion or belief
  • disability
  • age
  • sexual identity

... If you are being sexually harassed.

There are verbal, non-verbal and physical forms of sexual harassment:

Examples of verbal forms:

  • sexually suggestive remarks and jokes
  • intrusive and offensive comments about clothing, appearance or private life
  • ambiguous comments with sexual connotations
  • Questions with sexual content, e.g. about private life or privacy,
  • Requests for intimate or sexual acts, e.g. "Sit on my lap!"
  • sexualized or inappropriate invitations to a date
  • promises of benefits in return for sexual favors
  • Extortion of sexual favors

Examples of the non-verbal level:

  • intrusive or intimidating stares or suggestive looks
  • Whistling behind
  • Hanging up or distributing pornographic material
  • indecent exposure
  • Stalking

Examples of forms of harassment on a physical level:

  • any unwanted touching (patting, stroking, pinching, hugging, kissing), even if the touching appears to be accidental
  • physical advances, jostling, not maintaining the usual physical distance (approx. one arm's length)
  • physical violence and any form of sexualized assault, including rape

Sexual boundary violations can also occur on a digital level:

  • unwanted emails, text messages, photos or videos with a sexual reference
  • inappropriate and intrusive advances on social networks

Sexual harassment is prohibited.

The boundary between flirting and sexual harassment is clearly defined. Flirting occurs with mutual consent. Assaultive behavior occurs without the consent of the other person. Take your feelings seriously if you experience or observe a situation as unpleasant, inappropriate or frightening.

... If you have questions and doubts and want to discuss them in a safe space.

All counselors are subject to a legal duty of confidentiality. We will help you to classify and process what has happened, clarify your options for action together with you and inform you about other counseling services. You will also find help here in deciding whether a formal complaint should be made.

A formal complaint can be submitted to the complaints office. The complaint opens a procedure that involves the university management and in which the names of those involved become known. It is therefore no longer subject to confidentiality. However, the university management will take your protection concerns into account and work to ensure that the complainant is not disadvantaged. The procedure opens up the possibility of imposing sanctions against the discriminating persons.

You can also use our counseling service while maintaining your anonymity by involving a third person you trust or by using a pseudonym.

Anti-discrimination directive

Anti-discrimination directive

Antidiskriminierungsrichtlinie (2019)

[78/2019, 31.01.2019]

Stecknadeln mit blauen und roten Köpfen in einer weißen Pinnwand
(Foto: Laura Brichta)


The Rectors' Conference of German Universities of Music (RKM) has been working on the topics of sexualized discrimination and abuse of power in a working group since 2016. On its website, the RKM provides, among other things, a continuously updated overview of the relevant information and advice services offered by all member universities.

Further support and counseling services at the HfMDK