Edit profile on the website

Teachers, students and administrative staff can edit their profiles on the HfMDK website themselves and fill them with content. This includes, among other things: Contact details, your CV, links to your own website or social media channels, photos of concerts or theater productions, career stages or academic publications.

Under People you will find all university members who have already created a profile on our website.

If you would like to edit and update your own profile, you will need the access data for your HfMDK account. You can find detailed information and step-by-step help in our instructions.

Information about the HfMDK account

Before your first login

Before your first login

New students

... create their own profile with their first login.

New employees in the administration

... first receive a welcome email from the Press and Communications department and then access to their profile.

New teaching staff (professors and permanent employees)

... will first receive a welcome email from the Press and Communications department and then access to their profile.

New lecturers (non-permanent contracts - Lehrbeauftragte)

... please fill out the consent form below, save it and send it to the Press and Communications Department: kommunikation@orga.hfmdk-frankfurt.de. Important: You will need your HfMDK account name to complete the form. If you do not know your account name or do not yet have an account, please contact the IT department first: rechenzentrum@hfmdk-frankfurt.de.

Profil auf der Website: Formular mit Einverständniserklärung

Log in and edit your profile



In the instructions you will find an explanation of the fields to fill in as well as an overview of the modules with which you can supplement the content of your profile. You can of course download and save the PDF document. However, please check this page from time to time to see if there is an updated version.

Anleitung: Personenprofil auf der HfMDK-Website bearbeiten

Stand: 21. April 2022

Manual: Editing your personal profile on the HfMDK website

Updatet: 21. April 2022

When you leave the HfMDK

... your profile will also be deactivated.

This means that after exmatriculation (for students) or after the end of your employment or if you are no longer working as a lecturer for the HfMDK (for administration and teaching staff), your profile will no longer be available. You should therefore save your profile content in good time before you leave the HfMDK.

Questions & Contact