Hessian Theatre Academy

Under the umbrella of the Hessian Theatre Academy, founded in 2002, all the universities involved in theatre training in Hesse are united, as well as the Hessian State Theatres, all the municipal theatres and, in addition, theatres from Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate. The most diverse branches of the performing arts and their cross-connections open up realistic and practical opportunities for students to prepare themselves for the complexity of their artistic careers.

With their final productions at the theatres, the young artists work on their first professional theatre as well as musical theatre evenings and performances.

The Hessian Theatre Academy is based at the University of Music and Performing Arts (HfMDK) in Frankfurt.

Since February 2018, Prof. Ingo Diehl, head of the master's programme for "Contemporary Dance Education" at the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts, has been president of the Hessian Theatre Academy. He thus succeeded Prof. Heiner Goebbels, who led the HTA as President for twelve years. Since 11 February, the office of Vice-President has been held by Karsten Wiegand, since 2014 Artistic Director of the Staatstheater Darmstadt, who succeeds Cathérine Miville, Artistic Director of the Stadttheater Gießen.

The following universities are active in the Hessian Theatre Academy:

... and collaborate with the following partner theatres in the education of students:

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